Prof. Panda Promoted to IEEE Fellow

Congratulations to Dr. Sanjib Kumar Panda who has been elevated to IEEE Fellow for contributions to iterative learning control of motor drives.
Sanjib Kumar Panda is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS), where he serves as the Director of the Power & Energy Research Area. He is an adjunct researcher with Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS), NUS, and also the NUS representative for the National Research Foundation (NRF) Smart Grid and Power Electronics Consortium (SPECS) Singapore.
Sanjib current research focuses on the development of novel computational intelligence-based models and methodologies to aid the integration of the new Smart Grid technologies into the existing infrastructure so that power grid can effectively utilize pervasive renewable energy generation and demand-side management programs, while accommodating stochastic load demand. He has published more than 450 publications which have been highly cited. Sanjib current research interests are in energy harvesting, both at high-power level as well as at very low-power level for wireless sensor nodes and networks, control of renewable energy sources generation and integration to utility-grid, energy storage devices integration with grid, condition based-, preventive- and predictive- maintenance of electrical infrastructures, critical assets management, demand-side response, transactive energy framework in buildings, smart-electrical socket outlets, etc.
He has been a very active member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Sanjib has served in various capacities as the Chapter Officer in the IEEE Singapore Section Joint Power Electronics and Industry Applications Society Chapter, and also as the Chair of the IEEE Singapore Section. He was awarded the Best Volunteer Award by the IEEE Singapore Section in 2006 and IEEE R-10 Best Volunteer Award in 2014. Presently, Sanjib is serving as the R-10 Membership and Chapter Development Chair for the IEEE Power Electronics Society.
To know more about his research work and achievements, please visit here.