SinBerBEST Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting

The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting was held on August 6th, 2019 in CREATE Tower in Singapore. This meeting was held in accordance with SinBerBEST’s research contract with the National Research Foundation (NRF). Attendees in the meeting included the SAC members, Drs. Lim Khiang Wee and Adeline Lim and Md Rafi Othman from NRF, and Dr Gao Chun Ping from the Building Construction Authority (BCA). At this review meeting, the theme leaders from the SinBerBEST program presented on their theme’s progress achievements and future plans. The SAC provided valuable inputs to the program and recommended avenues to be taken. The program thanks the SAC for their review and look forward to further success in future outcomes.
The SAC members profiles can be found here.