POWER@NUS team from ECE Dept awarded Best Overall Student Team in the IEEE Empower a Billion Lives competition (EBL)

The team POWER@NUS, comprising of PhD students (Jaydeep Saha, Rohit Chandra, Sandeep Kolluri, Binita Sen, Palak Jain and Kamala Srinivasa Rao) and researchers (Rajesh Sapkota, Prathamesh, Md Waseem and Santosh Janaki Raman) from Electrical Machines and Drives Lab, ECE department, mentored by Associate Professor S K Panda and Dr. Eddy Blokken (SERIS), participated in the Empower a Billion Lives competition organised by IEEE. The team submitted their proposal online and were selected for the South-Asia regional round at PEDES 2018, IIT Chennai. They have been awarded as the Best Overall Student Team, South-Asia region on 20th December, 2018 for the 2018-19 edition of the competition and have qualified to participate in the Global Final round to be held at ECCE, Baltimore, USA in September, 2019. The team has proposed a community empowerment solution via rural electrification along with a business model, where renewable energy is harnessed as the main source of energy with adequate respect given to risks.
Links: http://empowerabillionlives.org, http://ece.nus.edu.sg/drupal/?q=node/126